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Martin, a native of Los Angeles County, moved to Northern CA in 1993. Over the past thirty-five years he has written scores of short stories, plays, and dramatic sketches. And three novels: Relative Karma, Relative Sanity, and the forthcoming A Fractured Conjuring. Also available is the highly praised Dark Thoughts, a collection of short fiction. Many projects are on the horizon, including a sequel to A Fractured Conjuring, a holiday entry in the Relative series entitled Relative Yuletide, and a much anticipated collaboration for 2016. Martin dearly loves to hear from his readers.

A Little About Martin...

"Reaves is a quality wordsmith and his attention to detail is evident in his works. He understands mood and setting better than most and can spit dialogue like he's emptying a machine gun's clip.

His books do not disappoint."

~ Mark Leftridge, author of Our Bridges Made of Sticks, Safe Sects, and When the Hangman Weeps ~

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