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Mott's Ruminations

A Blog for and About Writers

Mott's Ruminations is the place where Martin...well, ruminates. The writing life and those who live it are of endless fascination. Also of interest is what others think of the eternal order of Hacks and Scribblers; how they view writers; in short, how they get it wrong (and ocassionally right). Over at Mott's Rumis, many things fall under discussion: Books, both good and bad; interviews of other writers; reviews of all things writing, including an ongoing series on movies about writers and the writing life entitled Scribblers on Celluloid. We hope you will stop by, gawk at the cheap knickknacks, and generally make a pain in the ass of yourself. As long as you refrain from piddling on the rug, you are welcome amongst the Throng of Ruminators.

A Random Sampling of Rumis...
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